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2019 Street Law CLE

Join Law Advocates for a free CLE! Street Law 101 for volunteer attorneys

This 3 credit CLE will cover legal issues that most commonly arise at Street Law. It is designed for both new and experienced volunteer attorneys to gain the requisite knowledge and skills to volunteer at Street Law with Confidence.

  • Landlord Tennant Law
  • Family Law
  • Time Management
  • Assisting Difficult Clients
  • Why Volunteer at Street Law?


8:30am: Check In
8:45am: LAW Advocates’ services and the role of volunteers with Mike Heatherly
9:00am: Family Law presentation with Cathi O’Connell
9:30am: Residential Landlord/Tenant Law presentation with David Henken

(10 minute break)

10:10am: Panel discussion with Dan Raas and Phil Buri: why volunteer at Street
Law, how to use your time efficiently, and managing difficult clients.

(10 minute break)

11:20am: Outside resources available to volunteer attorneys with Nikki D’Onofrio
11:35am: Q & A with all speakers
12:00pm: Adjourn


Speaker Bios:

MICHAEL HEATHERLY has practiced law in Whatcom County since 1991. After maintaining a private practice in civil litigation for 24 years he became Executive Director of LAW Advocates in 2015. He also has extensive experience as a mediator and arbitrator and was editor of Northwest Lawyer (formerly Bar News) for the Washington State Bar Association from 2007-2015.

CATHERINE O’CONNELL has worked with LAW Advocates tor nearly ten years as a contract attorney, managing the Domestic Violence Self Help Parenting Plan Clinic, enabling hundreds of low-income victims of domestic violence 10 obtain much needed parenting plans and marital dissolutions.

DAVID HENKEN has served as LAW Advocates’ staff attorney since 2013 , operating the Tenant Clinic on Fridays, and providing advice to low-income renters regarding legal issues with their tenancies.

DANIEL RAAS began his legal career as a VISTA attorney with Seattle Legal Services in 1972 and was among the founders of Whatcom County’s Volunteer Lawyer Program, which eventually became LAW Advocates. Mr. Raas is currently licensed as an Emeritus attorney, having retired from the active practice of law at the end of 2015, and regularly volunteers at Tenant Clinic and Street Law.

PHILIP BURI founded Buri Funston Mumford & Furlong, PLLC, in Bellingham, WA. He practices appellate and civil litigation and land use, and advises homeowner and community associations. Mr. Buri regularly volunteers with LAW Advocates through Street Law and other programs.

NIKKI D’ONOFRIO, MSW, Programs Manager at LAW Advocates since 2016, recruits and trains attorney and non-attorney volunteers, and develops and implements our legal aid programs, ensuring thousands of low-income Whatcom County residents


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